SEM: Paid Digital Advertising

Paid Digital Advertising is the quickest way to get your
business in front of the right people
, right where they spend their time online.

Major platforms like Google, Facebook, and Instagram all allow businesses to ‘pay to play’ by placing ads in search results and on social media feeds.

But great digital advertising requires proactive planning and strategic thought. Without proper targeting and budgeting, you risk spending a lot of money only to achieve a poor result. TMM is your guide to create an effective paid advertising campaign. We have the expertise and the infrastructure to ensure proper targeting, budgeting, and conversion tracking, which in turn vastly increases your chances of success.


  • Research

    Research is the first step in any strategic process. We begin by studying your company and its needs, goals and customers. We make ourselves completely familiar with your business and your market so that we can best address your specific needs.

  • Buyer Profiles

    An important part of the research step is the creation of buyer profiles. The more you understand who wants and needs your products or services, the better you can convert those wants and needs into sales. We drill down deeply to examine demographics, buying habits and customer needs to make sure you are appealing to customers on a personal and actionable level.

  • Formulating a Plan

    After research comes a customized strategy plan. We’ll draw up a step-by-step process to accomplish your SEO goals, and then review it with you ​to make sure it aligns with your desired goals, vision, and needs. Only when you’re satisfied that the plan fits your needs will we move to the next step.

  • Execution

    With us, a strategic plan is never just words on paper. We put your plan into action, drawing on our expertise and infrastructure to deliver every element of the plan so that you can start getting the results – visibility, new customers, repeat business – that you’re looking for.

  • Measure Results

    No plan is complete without a final look-back to see how well the plan worked. After executing your customized plan, we’ll examine what we’ve done to determine how well the campaign worked for you. At this stage, we can make further tweaks and adjustments to refine and improve your results.